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.2 Human beta cell regenerative drug therapy for diabetes: a journey from impossible to possible

Andrew Stewart, United States

Professor, Director,
Diabetes Obesity Mteabolism Institute
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


Andrew Fyfe Stewart, M.D. Director, Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism Institute Irene and Dr. Arthur M Fishberg Professor Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY Dr. Stewart received his BS from Trinity College, and his M.D. from Columbia University. He was a postdoc at Yale, where he rose to tenured Professor. He served as Chief of Endocrinology at the University of Pittsburgh before becoming Director of the Diabetes Obesity Metabolism Institute at Mount Sinai in 2012. In 2015, his group discovered the first drugs able to induce human beta cell replication, findings that have been reproduced around the world in pharma and academia. In 2017 and 2020, they defined the genomic pathways underlying beta cell expansion and insulin over-secretion in human insulinomas: a “wiring diagram” for human beta cell regenerative drug discovery. In 2019 and 2020, they reported that combination treatment with harmine and TGF-beta inhibitors or GLP1 receptor agonists dramatically increases human beta cell proliferation. The work has clear translational implications for Types 1 as well as Type 2 diabetes, both of which result from an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin-producing beta cells. This work has now moved to human clinical trials and will be the subject of his presentation. He has published more than 270 papers in the New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Science Translational Medicine, Cell Metabolism, Nature Medicine, Nature Communications, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and others. He has had continuous NIH grant support for the past 40 years. He served as Councilor and Secretary-Treasurer of the Endocrine Society, and was the 2008 recipient of the Endocrine Society’s Gerald Aurbach Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement. He served as the Chair of the Endocrine Society Meeting in 1998 and American Diabetes Association Annual Meetings for 2010 and 2011. His human beta cell drug discovery work was recognized by the JDRF at their Annual Gala in New York and the Riggs-Levine Diabetes Symposium Outstanding Investigator Award in 2022.


Human beta cell regenerative drug discovery for diabetes: A journey from impossible to possible

Andrew F. Stewart1.

1Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States

Diabetes affects 563 million people around the world. All common forms of diabetes result from inadequate numbers and function of pancreatic beta cells. This is the underlying rationale for attempts at beta cell replacement strategies including transplant of whole pancreas, isolated pancreatic islets, and/or stem cell-derived human beta-like cells. While tremendous progress has been made in each of these areas, it is unlikely that these approaches can be scaled to hundreds of millions, or even thousands, of people with diabetes.

Our approach has been to leverage fact that essentially all people with diabetes have some residual beta cells that could be subject to regenerative therapies. Through high-throughput drug screening and medicinal chemistry, we have identified and synthesized hundreds of small molecule inhibitors of the kinase DYRK1A. We have shown that DYRK1A inhibitors induce human beta cells to replicate, to expand dramatically in number when transplanted into immunodeficient mice, to enhance their function, to restore human insulin concentrations, and to reverse diabetes. Remarkably, this dramatic increase in human beta cell proliferation and mass is further enhanced by co-administration of widely used GLP1 receptor agonist (GLP1RA) drugs, exemplified by semaglutide.

Since DYRK1A is expressed in many tissues, one might expect that DYRK1A inhibitors might induce proliferation or other undesirable events in non-islet tissues. Reassuringly, during three months of treatment in human islet-bearing immunodeficient mice in which beta cell mass increased by 700%, no adverse events, effects or proliferation were observed in any tissue other than the beta cell. 

These safety and human efficacy findings have led to FDA approval of a Phase 1 dose-finding trial in human subjects. These reveal that beta cell-therapeutic concentrations of harmine can be readily achieved.

Collectively, these studies indicate that DYRK1A inhibitor therapy is: safe; remarkably effective in expanding human beta cell mass and function; is cost-effective; and, is scalable to millions of people with T1D and/or T2D, with or without addition of a GLP1RA. The safety and efficacy profile suggests that beta cell-specific drug targeting is unnecessary. Finally, through medicinal chemistry, novel DYRK1A inhibitors with greater potency and efficacy are in hand.

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