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.2 Insights from islet biology for making stem cell-derived islets


Raphael Scharfmann obtained his PhD in 1989 at University Paris VII, France. He next did a post doc at the Salk institute, La Jolla, CA (1989-1991) and obtained a permanent position at INSERM at the end of 1991. He obtained the prestigious Minkowski Award (for distinguished research in the field of Diabetes in Europe) (1999), the Award from the European Society for Clinical Investigation (2003), the Award from the French National Academy of Medicine (2010) the Bettencourt Award, (Coup d’élan à la Recherche Française) (2012) and the Roger Assan Award from the French speaking society of Diabetologia (2020). He is currently Research Director at INSERM within the Cochin Institute, University of Paris, France. He is one of the co-founders of EndoCells/Human Cell Design, a French biotech company. The major objective of his group is to develop innovative ways define signals regulating functional pancreatic endocrine cell mass in rodent and human.


Insights from islet biology for making stem cell-derived islets

Raphael Scharfmann 1.

1Institut Cochin, INSERM, Paris , France

It is impressive how the field of stem cell-derived islets progressed during the past 20 years, from one of the first report (published in Science) I read on that topic in 2001, up to highly efficient very recent protocols. Such impressive progress was made possible (at least in part) by impressive amounts of knowledge produced by development biologists that developed original models and studied pancreas development.

During my presentation, I will argue on the fact that more can be learned from innovative experimental models, to further improve the development of functional islets derived from stem cells.

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