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.3 Single-cell analysis of pancreatic endocrine progenitors

Efsun Arda, United States

National Institutes of Health


H. Efsun Arda, Ph.D. NIH Stadtman Investigator Developmental Genomics Group Lab. of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression Center for Cancer Research, NCI, NIH twitter: @EfsunArdaLab web: H. Efsun Arda is a Stadtman Investigator at the Center for Cancer Research, an intramural division of the National Cancer Institute, at National Institutes of Health. Dr. Arda received her B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Genetics in 2003 from Bogazici University, Istanbul Turkey. She completed her Ph.D. in Systems Biology with Dr. Marian Walhout in 2010 at Univ. of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. From 2012-2016 she was a JDRF postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Seung Kim at Stanford University. In 2017, Dr. Arda joined NIH as a Stadtman Investigator. Dr. Arda studies the gene regulatory networks that regulate human pancreas cell identity and function. Her research focuses on delineating cell-type specific enhancer elements, identifying the transcriptional regulators that interact with these elements, and understanding the 3D genomic architecture in human pancreas cells using biochemical and imaging approaches. Her long-term goal is to link disease risk variants to target genes, develop prognostic tools and improve precision medicine approaches for treating pancreatic disorders.


Single-cell analysis of pancreatic endocrine progenitors

Eliza Duvall1, Cecil Benitez2, Martin Enge3, Steve Quake3, Songjoon Baek1, Nathan Sheffield4, Seung Kim2, Efsun Arda1.

1Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression, Center for Cancer Research, NCI, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States; 2Department of Developmental Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States; 3Department of Bioengineering and Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States; 4Center for Public Health Genomics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Introduction: All forms of diabetes result from loss or impairment of pancreatic beta cell function. Recent work demonstrating the feasibility of replacing beta cells with insulin-producing cells generated from renewable sources such as embryonic stem cells, has sparked great excitement. However, the molecular and cellular processes leading to beta cell differentiation are not well understood. During embryonic development, the activation of Neurog3 in select pancreatic duct cells specifies the endocrine progenitors, which will then differentiate into hormone producing cells, such as beta, alpha, and delta cells. Despite recent progress, molecular features of endocrine progenitors remain elusive, and how subsequent hormone cell fates are determined is largely unknown.

Method and Results: In this study, we used lineage-traced Neurog3 cells from mouse embryos to perform single cell transcriptome analysis to elucidate gene expression changes during differentiation. By establishing pseudotime trajectories and using differential gene expression analysis, we identified unique combinations of transcription factors for each of the beta, alpha, and delta lineages. We found that these transcription factors turn on and off at precise moments to guide endocrine cell differentiation. In addition, we performed ATAC-seq to investigate chromatin conformation changes in endocrine progenitor cells. We discovered genomic regions that undergo substantial transformation during endocrine differentiation as well as enriched motifs in differentiation-stage specific open regions. Further, we applied genomic footprinting analysis to identify transcription factor activity in open chromatin regions and found evidence of specific transcription factor footprints linked to their associated motifs. Our analysis suggests a revised model for endocrine pancreas development by providing evidence for direct development of this lineage from duct cells and the absence of a bipotent progenitor.

Conclusions: Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using a combined scRNA-seq and ATAC-seq analysis to gain insights into gene regulatory networks that define cell lineages. We anticipate our findings from these and similar efforts will reveal gene regulatory networks governing pancreatic endocrine development, and facilitate the efforts toward stem cell based therapies and tissue replacement.

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